Pioneer Elite & Hygea Laser Support
Also use this troubleshooting guide for your Odessey Navigator
Your Unit Has No Power or the Display is Not Working
- Ensure that you press on the “|” symbol on the power switch.
- Ensure that there is an indicator light glowing on the power supply.
- Remove the unit from its charging base and plug the power supply directly into the unit (the connector on the side of the unit). If the unit turns on you may not have the unit in the charger base correctly. See your Owner’s Manual for correct insertion of the unit into the charging base.
- If the switch is in the correct position, you have the power supply directly connected to the unit (not using the charging base), there is power to the power supply, and the unit is still not functioning--it must be returned to the factory service center for further diagnostics.
Your Unit Battery is Not Charging or is Performing Poorly
- Insert the unit into the charging base or plug the unit directly into the power supply. Turn the unit on and observe the battery icon in the upper corner of the display. It should show “full.”
- (Note: The top battery icon is the MAIN battery for the unit; the bottom battery icon is the foot pedal battery).
- With the unit ON, unplug the power or remove it from the charging cradle. If the unit turns OFF, you may have a bad main battery (continue to the next point). If the unit stays ON, turn the unit OFF-and-ON to update the display. Observe the battery display with the unit unplugged to see if the display still shows the battery as full. If the unit still does not last for a significant amount of time before the battery dies, you may have a bad main battery (continue to the next point).
- If the unit turns off and will not turn on unless the unit is plugged into the charging cradle or directly into the power supply, your main battery may be bad or the battery is not being charged properly. Plug the unit directly into the power supply for 1 hour. Remove the power supply and turn the unit ON. If the unit turns on you may not have had the unit in the charger base correctly. Plug the power supply directly into the unit and let it charge overnight, then retest it. If the unit does NOT turn on, your main battery may be bad (continue to the next point).
- Remove the main battery from the unit. Review the information label on the battery pack. If the manufacture date is more than 3 years old, then the battery may simply be old and worn out (even rechargeable batteries have a limited lifespan). Check that the battery is not bulging. If the battery is bulging, order a replacement main battery.
- If the battery is NOT bulging, it is recommended that the unit be sent into the factory service center for further diagnostics.
- Note: The battery pack is a lithium polymer battery and should be disposed of responsibly according to local waste disposal regulations.
There is No Aiming Beam or Your Unit’s Beam is Not Cutting
- Ensure that the foot pedal is safely located such that it will not be accidentally pressed during this test.
- Turn the unit ON and prepare the unit to be used (power settings do not matter for this test). Remove any disposable tips or dust covers and ensure that the aiming beam setting is turned up all the way.
- Press “Ready” and without a disposable tip on the handpiece, point the handpiece at a white piece of paper about 2 inches away. You should see a round RED beam that is even across the entire diameter of the beam.
- Note: If you see any black dots or smudges, your fiber cable is contaminated and could be causing your problem. You can order a new cable online or you may choose to send the unit to the factory service center for further diagnostics. (see photo of good beam and a bad beam).

- If you do NOT see a RED aiming beam, you must send the unit to factory service for further diagnostics.
Your Unit’s Foot Pedal is Not Working Properly
- Under the foot pedal flapper on the left side of the foot switch there is an LED light. Ensure that the unit is NOT in “Ready” mode or is turned OFF. Press the foot switch with your hand and make sure that there is a flashing light for 30 seconds. If there is no flashing light, replace the foot pedal battery with a BRAND NEW 9V battery. Repeat the foot pedal test and retest the unit. If the unit is still not functioning, then the unit will need to be returned for service. If the light blinks GREEN for 30 seconds, continue to the next point.
- Note: The foot pedal is designed to turn off when the battery is insufficient in order to ensure the integrity of the communication with the laser unit. Using a NEW battery is essential!
- Note: The connector on the battery is designed to be a very tight connection. Removing the battery can sometimes be difficult; take care to not damage the connections.
- Turn the unit ON and ensure that the end of the fiber is in a secure and safe location.
- Choose “Quick Setup” from the options on the screen.
- Set the mode to “CW.”
- Select the “Ready” mode and press and hold down the foot pedal battery.
- Watch the “Laser Firing” icon ⚠ (Laser Firing) on the screen and make sure it STAYS on and does not blink. If you have replaced the foot pedal battery with a NEW battery and the icon is blinking, then the unit will need to be sent to the factory service center for further diagnostics.